My Journeys with Self-Publishing - Part 1: Formatting for Publishing
Science-Fantasy Romance Author
Writer's Room
So what goes on inside the mind of a science-fantasy romance writer, anyway? It's a quirky blend in here, but I'll share my ideas for inspiration, news of upcoming stories, tips I've come across, or even just my opinions on tools or apps that I find useful for my writing journey.
August Updates: Heir of Violence wins 3rd place in Open Novella Contest. Jealous God: Episode 11 of BT4W available.
Seductive Characters & Ephemeral Pages Audiobooks
Updates, Upcoming Releases, And Free Ebooks, Oh My!
Valentine's Day Sale Feb 13-15
Let's talk tropes and favourite authors
75% Off Black Friday Sale for the first Breaking The 4th Wall Ebook Compilation (Episodes 1-4)
Hardcover or Paperback? Either way, hold 30 Days to Save The World in your hand!
Spice Up Your Fall Reads for FREE!
Have YOU looked up at the sky today?
Alien Invasions, Conspiracy Theories, & Spicy Characters Jumping Worlds - What is going on, Melody?!
Delayed Gratification Available
A Writer's Commitment Now Available!!
Learning How To Make Successful Covers
Getting Ready To Publish The First Episode From Breaking The 4th Wall - Season One!
Pregnant, Kidnapped, and on a Strange Planet? What would you do to Survive?
Today is the Day: CHAINS THAT BIND releases
My First Instagram Reel